Your package's translations have errors

You can check if a PO file is valid with the following command:

        msgfmt -c -o /dev/null <po file>
The following errors were found in tryton-modules-purchase-request-quotation 's PO files:
gettext: locale/es_419.po: can't guess language
Please ask the translator (identified by the Last-Translator field in the PO file), the language team (identified by the Language-Team field) or debian-i18n for a fix.

Translation status of package tryton-modules-purchase-request-quotation

bg9.19540229885057% translated (8/87), 19.5402298850575% fuzzy (17/87), 71.2643678160919% untranslated (62/87),
ca100% translated (87/87), 0% fuzzy (0/87), 0% untranslated (0/87),
cs9.19540229885057% translated (8/87), 19.5402298850575% fuzzy (17/87), 71.2643678160919% untranslated (62/87),
de100% translated (87/87), 0% fuzzy (0/87), 0% untranslated (0/87),
es100% translated (87/87), 0% fuzzy (0/87), 0% untranslated (0/87),
et85.0574712643678% translated (74/87), 6.89655172413793% fuzzy (6/87), 8.04597701149425% untranslated (7/87),
fa93.1034482758621% translated (81/87), 4.59770114942529% fuzzy (4/87), 2.29885057471264% untranslated (2/87),
fi9.19540229885057% translated (8/87), 19.5402298850575% fuzzy (17/87), 71.2643678160919% untranslated (62/87),
fr100% translated (87/87), 0% fuzzy (0/87), 0% untranslated (0/87),
hu9.19540229885057% translated (8/87), 19.5402298850575% fuzzy (17/87), 71.2643678160919% untranslated (62/87),
id31.0344827586207% translated (27/87), 1.14942528735632% fuzzy (1/87), 67.816091954023% untranslated (59/87),
it33.3333333333333% translated (29/87), 18.3908045977011% fuzzy (16/87), 48.2758620689655% untranslated (42/87),
lo9.19540229885057% translated (8/87), 19.5402298850575% fuzzy (17/87), 71.2643678160919% untranslated (62/87),
lt14.9425287356322% translated (13/87), 19.5402298850575% fuzzy (17/87), 65.5172413793103% untranslated (57/87),
nl96.551724137931% translated (84/87), 3.44827586206897% fuzzy (3/87), 0% untranslated (0/87),
pl9.19540229885057% translated (8/87), 19.5402298850575% fuzzy (17/87), 71.2643678160919% untranslated (62/87),
pt9.19540229885057% translated (8/87), 19.5402298850575% fuzzy (17/87), 71.2643678160919% untranslated (62/87),
ro9.19540229885057% translated (8/87), 0% fuzzy (0/87), 90.8045977011494% untranslated (79/87),
ru9.19540229885057% translated (8/87), 19.5402298850575% fuzzy (17/87), 71.2643678160919% untranslated (62/87),
sl9.19540229885057% translated (8/87), 19.5402298850575% fuzzy (17/87), 71.2643678160919% untranslated (62/87),
tr9.19540229885057% translated (8/87), 19.5402298850575% fuzzy (17/87), 71.2643678160919% untranslated (62/87),
zh_CN9.19540229885057% translated (8/87), 19.5402298850575% fuzzy (17/87), 71.2643678160919% untranslated (62/87),

Generated on Thu, 16 May 2024 10:08:29 +0000 (db: 2024-05-16)

Comments: Debian L10N Development Team

Checkout dl10n source code