Your package's translations have errors

You can check if a PO file is valid with the following command:

        msgfmt -c -o /dev/null <po file>
The following errors were found in codraft 's PO files:
gettext: doc/locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/features/image/contour_detection.po:30: end-of-line within string
msgfmt: found 1 fatal error
gettext: doc/locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/features/signal/menu/view.po:63: duplicate message definition...
doc/locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/features/signal/menu/view.po:49: ...this is the location of the first definition
doc/locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/features/signal/menu/view.po:66: duplicate message definition...
doc/locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/features/signal/menu/view.po:53: ...this is the location of the first definition
msgfmt: found 2 fatal errors
Please ask the translator (identified by the Last-Translator field in the PO file), the language team (identified by the Language-Team field) or debian-i18n for a fix.

Translation status of package codraft

fr99.3333333333333% translated (298/300), 0.333333333333333% fuzzy (1/300), 0.333333333333333% untranslated (1/300), 48.8% translated (61/125), 0% fuzzy (0/125), 51.2% untranslated (64/125), 100% translated (38/38), 0% fuzzy (0/38), 0% untranslated (0/38), 100% translated (39/39), 0% fuzzy (0/39), 0% untranslated (0/39), 83.5294117647059% translated (142/170), 1.76470588235294% fuzzy (3/170), 14.7058823529412% untranslated (25/170), 100% translated (15/15), 0% fuzzy (0/15), 0% untranslated (0/15), 84.6153846153846% translated (132/156), 0% fuzzy (0/156), 15.3846153846154% untranslated (24/156),

Generated on Sat, 01 Feb 2025 21:16:09 +0000 (db: 2025-02-01)

Comments: Debian L10N Development Team

Checkout dl10n source code