Your package's translations have errors

You can check if a PO file is valid with the following command:

        msgfmt -c -o /dev/null <po file>
The following errors were found in fdroidserver 's PO files:
gettext: locale/zh_Hans/LC_MESSAGES/fdroidserver.po: can't guess language
gettext: locale/zh_Hant/LC_MESSAGES/fdroidserver.po: can't guess language
Please ask the translator (identified by the Last-Translator field in the PO file), the language team (identified by the Language-Team field) or debian-i18n for a fix.

Translation status of package fdroidserver

bo53.4420289855072% translated (295/552), 9.96376811594203% fuzzy (55/552), 36.5942028985507% untranslated (202/552),
cs100% translated (552/552), 0% fuzzy (0/552), 0% untranslated (0/552),
de100% translated (552/552), 0% fuzzy (0/552), 0% untranslated (0/552),
es100% translated (552/552), 0% fuzzy (0/552), 0% untranslated (0/552),
fr100% translated (552/552), 0% fuzzy (0/552), 0% untranslated (0/552),
hu57.6086956521739% translated (318/552), 2.89855072463768% fuzzy (16/552), 39.4927536231884% untranslated (218/552),
it100% translated (552/552), 0% fuzzy (0/552), 0% untranslated (0/552),
ko32.7898550724638% translated (181/552), 1.6304347826087% fuzzy (9/552), 65.5797101449275% untranslated (362/552),
nb_NO54.1666666666667% translated (299/552), 34.7826086956522% fuzzy (192/552), 11.0507246376812% untranslated (61/552),
pl100% translated (552/552), 0% fuzzy (0/552), 0% untranslated (0/552),
pt100% translated (552/552), 0% fuzzy (0/552), 0% untranslated (0/552),
pt_BR100% translated (552/552), 0% fuzzy (0/552), 0% untranslated (0/552),
pt_PT100% translated (552/552), 0% fuzzy (0/552), 0% untranslated (0/552),
ro100% translated (552/552), 0% fuzzy (0/552), 0% untranslated (0/552),
ru100% translated (552/552), 0% fuzzy (0/552), 0% untranslated (0/552),
sq97.1014492753623% translated (536/552), 0% fuzzy (0/552), 2.89855072463768% untranslated (16/552),
tr100% translated (552/552), 0% fuzzy (0/552), 0% untranslated (0/552),
uk100% translated (552/552), 0% fuzzy (0/552), 0% untranslated (0/552),

Generated on Fri, 26 Apr 2024 08:59:19 +0000 (db: 2024-04-26)

Comments: Debian L10N Development Team

Checkout dl10n source code