Your package's translations have errors

You can check if a PO file is valid with the following command:

        msgfmt -c -o /dev/null <po file>
The following errors were found in flask-security 's PO files:
gettext: flask_security/translations/zh_Hans_CN/LC_MESSAGES/flask_security.po: can't guess language
Please ask the translator (identified by the Last-Translator field in the PO file), the language team (identified by the Language-Team field) or debian-i18n for a fix.

Translation status of package flask-security

af_ZA48.1171548117155% translated (115/239), 0% fuzzy (0/239), 51.8828451882845% untranslated (124/239),
ca_ES26.7782426778243% translated (64/239), 0.418410041841004% fuzzy (1/239), 72.8033472803347% untranslated (174/239),
da_DK26.7782426778243% translated (64/239), 0.418410041841004% fuzzy (1/239), 72.8033472803347% untranslated (174/239),
de_DE89.1213389121339% translated (213/239), 0.836820083682008% fuzzy (2/239), 10.0418410041841% untranslated (24/239),
es_ES100% translated (239/239), 0% fuzzy (0/239), 0% untranslated (0/239),
eu_ES53.9748953974895% translated (129/239), 0% fuzzy (0/239), 46.0251046025105% untranslated (110/239),
fr_FR53.1380753138075% translated (127/239), 0.418410041841004% fuzzy (1/239), 46.4435146443515% untranslated (111/239),
hu_HU81.5899581589958% translated (195/239), 0% fuzzy (0/239), 18.4100418410042% untranslated (44/239),
hy_AM87.8661087866109% translated (210/239), 0% fuzzy (0/239), 12.1338912133891% untranslated (29/239),
is_IS35.9832635983264% translated (86/239), 0% fuzzy (0/239), 64.0167364016736% untranslated (153/239),
it_IT100% translated (239/239), 0% fuzzy (0/239), 0% untranslated (0/239),
ja_JP26.7782426778243% translated (64/239), 0.418410041841004% fuzzy (1/239), 72.8033472803347% untranslated (174/239),
nl_NL33.4728033472803% translated (80/239), 2.92887029288703% fuzzy (7/239), 63.5983263598326% untranslated (152/239),
pl_PL51.0460251046025% translated (122/239), 0% fuzzy (0/239), 48.9539748953975% untranslated (117/239),
pt_BR26.7782426778243% translated (64/239), 1.25523012552301% fuzzy (3/239), 71.9665271966527% untranslated (172/239),
pt_PT26.7782426778243% translated (64/239), 0.836820083682008% fuzzy (2/239), 72.3849372384937% untranslated (173/239),
ru_RU100% translated (239/239), 0% fuzzy (0/239), 0% untranslated (0/239),
tr_TR26.7782426778243% translated (64/239), 0.836820083682008% fuzzy (2/239), 72.3849372384937% untranslated (173/239),

Generated on Sun, 09 Feb 2025 21:06:33 +0000 (db: 2025-02-09)

Comments: Debian L10N Development Team

Checkout dl10n source code