Your package's translations have errors

You can check if a PO file is valid with the following command:

        msgfmt -c -o /dev/null <po file>
The following errors were found in postgis 's PO files:
gettext: doc/po/zh_Hans/postgis-manual.po: can't guess language
Please ask the translator (identified by the Last-Translator field in the PO file), the language team (identified by the Language-Team field) or debian-i18n for a fix.

Translation status of package postgis

de49.0975355779243% translated (2829/5762), 47.5529330093717% fuzzy (2740/5762), 3.34953141270392% untranslated (193/5762),
es20.7913918778202% translated (1198/5762), 3.26275598750434% fuzzy (188/5762), 75.9458521346755% untranslated (4376/5762),
fr97.5876431794516% translated (5623/5762), 0% fuzzy (0/5762), 2.41235682054842% untranslated (139/5762),
it_IT24.8351266921208% translated (1431/5762), 1.874349184311% fuzzy (108/5762), 73.2905241235682% untranslated (4223/5762),
ja99.9826449149601% translated (5761/5762), 0% fuzzy (0/5762), 0.0173550850399167% untranslated (1/5762),
ka1.70079833391184% translated (98/5762), 0% fuzzy (0/5762), 98.2992016660882% untranslated (5664/5762),
ko_KR42.8670600485942% translated (2470/5762), 7.49739673724401% fuzzy (432/5762), 49.6355432141617% untranslated (2860/5762),
pl2.915654286706% translated (168/5762), 1.30163137799375% fuzzy (75/5762), 95.7827143353002% untranslated (5519/5762),
pt_BR43.0753210690732% translated (2482/5762), 6.88996876084693% fuzzy (397/5762), 50.0347101700798% untranslated (2883/5762),
ro0.312391530718501% translated (18/5762), 0.208261020479% fuzzy (12/5762), 99.4793474488025% untranslated (5732/5762),
ru0.555362721277334% translated (32/5762), 0.173550850399167% fuzzy (10/5762), 99.2710864283235% untranslated (5720/5762),
uk0% translated (0/5762), 0.0173550850399167% fuzzy (1/5762), 99.9826449149601% untranslated (5761/5762),

Generated on Fri, 21 Feb 2025 21:11:38 +0000 (db: 2025-02-21)

Comments: Debian L10N Development Team

Checkout dl10n source code