Your package's translations have errors

You can check if a PO file is valid with the following command:

        msgfmt -c -o /dev/null <po file>
The following errors were found in pympress 's PO files:
gettext: pympress/share/locale/zh_HANT/LC_MESSAGES/pympress.po: can't guess language
Please ask the translator (identified by the Last-Translator field in the PO file), the language team (identified by the Language-Team field) or debian-i18n for a fix.

Translation status of package pympress

cs95.1127819548872% translated (253/266), 2.25563909774436% fuzzy (6/266), 2.63157894736842% untranslated (7/266),
de100% translated (266/266), 0% fuzzy (0/266), 0% untranslated (0/266),
es100% translated (266/266), 0% fuzzy (0/266), 0% untranslated (0/266),
fr98.4962406015038% translated (262/266), 1.50375939849624% fuzzy (4/266), 0% untranslated (0/266),
hi99.2481203007519% translated (264/266), 0% fuzzy (0/266), 0.75187969924812% untranslated (2/266),
it96.9924812030075% translated (258/266), 3.00751879699248% fuzzy (8/266), 0% untranslated (0/266),
ja63.5338345864662% translated (169/266), 0% fuzzy (0/266), 36.4661654135338% untranslated (97/266),
pl99.6240601503759% translated (265/266), 0.37593984962406% fuzzy (1/266), 0% untranslated (0/266),
zh_CN100% translated (266/266), 0% fuzzy (0/266), 0% untranslated (0/266),
zh_TW26.7924528301887% translated (71/265), 18.8679245283019% fuzzy (50/265), 54.3396226415094% untranslated (144/265),

Generated on Wed, 29 Jan 2025 21:08:14 +0000 (db: 2025-01-29)

Comments: Debian L10N Development Team

Checkout dl10n source code